It isn’t exactly breaking news that smoking is bad for you. How many smokers die from smoking? The extent of its damage is shocking: A whopping 2 out of every 3 smokers will die from lighting up, according to estimates from new Australian research.
The smokers’ chances of croaking early depended on the details of their daily habit: Those who puffed on 25 or more cigarettes a day were about 4 times more likely to pack it in prematurely than abstainers.
How come? “The latest research shows that smoking increases the risk of 30 different diseases, the most common of which are cancer, chronic lung disease, and heart disease,” says study author Emily Banks, Ph.D. “Smoking directly affects the lung tissue, but its negative effects can be seen in almost every single part of the body.”
Quit smoking now and the habit is significantly less likely to kill you.
“If you give up smoking before you hit 45, your risk of dying prematurely is similar to people who have never smoked,” says Banks. “That doesn’t mean you’ll avoid all the negative effects of smoking, but it does mean that you’ll have avoided most of the risk of dying early.”
Banks says. “Just remember that kicking the habit can literally save your life.”……..
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