We have to agree that driving to work isn’t all that pleasant, or practical for that matter. Ford Motors revealed a solution to this problem, a new electric bike and a prototype smartphone app that allows you to use the eBike even easier for urban commutes. Called MoDe:Flex, Ford’s third eBike to date and depending on your needs, this eBike is easily re-configurable.
The bike’s center frame includes the motor and battery, while the front and rear assemblies including wheels may be configured for road, mountain or city riding. And once you fold and store the bike inside the car, it can be charged easily. MoDe:Flex will connect with your smartphone with MoDe:Link app. The app provides the rider with information regarding weather, congestion, parking costs, time, traffic, public transportation, eyes-free navigation, route planning, and health and fitness information.
The new extension of MoDe:Link for the smartwatch is the most interesting feature. It allows the rider to use the “no sweat” mode: this increases electric pedal assist and allows you to reach your destination without breaking a sweat. If hazards, such as potholes ahead, the rider will be notified via vibrating handlebars. This is one of the safety features that Ford added in……
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