Orange juice gets a lot of flack, some of it deserved. Sure, its sugar content can be through the roof. But it’s also a great source of vitamin C, not to mention carotenoids and flavonoids, which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and some cancers. There’s also evidence that Citrus Juice Can Save Your Kidneys.
A recent study, published by the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, found that our ability to absorb the nutrients in oranges is actually better in liquid form. Drinking orange juice releases more carotenoids—39.5 percent in pasteurized juice and 28 percent in unpasteurized—than just eating the fruit itself, which only releases about 11 percent of the antioxidants.
But that doesn’t give you license to buy your juice in a bottle. Put down the Minute Maid orange juice—which has 24g of sugar per 8-ounce serving, just a few grams less than a can of Red Bull—and start squeezing it yourself.
1. Choose the Right Tool
To squeeze great juice, a handheld reamer works fine—no machine needed. Grab a bowl too. One orange yields 1/3 to 1/2 cup of juice.
2. Stage a Scrubdown
Grocery shoppers often handle the produce, so kill germs by lathering up the outside of the orange with soap and warm water. Rinse and pat dry.
3. Put on the Pressure
Place the orange on a surface and firmly roll it back and forth. This releases the flavorful oil in the rind so some ends up in your glass.
4. Set Loose the Juice
Slice the fruit in half. Push the tip of the reamer deep into the center of the fruit. Holding the rind with one hand, twist the reamer with the other hand.
5. Pump up the Flavor
Pour the juice from the bowl into a glass. For extra flavor, add freshly squeezed lime or grapefruit juice or a splash of any cold-pressed juice.
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